Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Psychology Project Essays - Behaviorism, Historical Reenactment

Psychology Project Essays - Behaviorism, Historical Reenactment Psychology Project Psychology Project 2) I think its ethical to force youngsters to reenact their crimes as it helps in making them better people and may avoid them from commiting any new crimes. By resorting to the positive punishment , The teenagers will figure out that what they had done is wrong and they should not do it another time. They feel uncomfortable during the reenactment and as a result they will avoid comitting any crime because they will feel the same way and suffer from fear of doing the process again. As a result , Reenactment is the undesirable action and and its used to stop them from commiting crimes. The teenagers have experienced operant conditioning and as a result they link making a crime with reenactment which they dont like or want to do. 3) I dont think that this treatment would be useful if applied to adult violent offenders. This treatment is useful with teenagers because their minds arent fixed and able to be changed like the teenagers. Teenagers may reach a point where they can be scared and they lack much experience in life unlike the adults who are afraid less due to their experiences in life. In reference to psychology the adults reached a point called STIMULUS DICRIMINATION in which they respond to certain stimuli but not to others. Negative punishement can be applied to postpone a certain undesirable reaction which is ( committing crimes ) in this case.

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